Photography Tip: Lens Flare

Most people see sun flare in images and think “oh wow, so lucky that sun was there and produced that interesting flare” thinking that it all just fell into place naturally. Truth be told, you have to be very thoughtful about where you place flare so that you can see it. It doesn't just happen by chance. You have to strategically place the flare where you want it in the composition.



Framing the flare against a darker or shadowed background is crucial to making interesting flare.


You have to find a pocket of light where the sun shines through very directly but is framed by shadowed areas like window frames, trees, buildings, hills, mountains or even sometimes a person.


Remember, the darker the shadows the more dramatic the flare. You will not be able to see sun flare in the bright white sky without the shadows to highlight it. 


All photos and tips by Summer Murdock. Check out her Magic of Light class here.

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